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About Us

MAR-GOM SRL, founded in 1984, began as a production of technical rubber.

The typical spirit Schumpeter entrepreneurial founder, Marasco Sr., linked to his knowledge of rubber has allowed the creation of a solid and professional.

The openness to new technologies and attention to detail Marasco Jr., have made the company capable of understanding and resolving specific customer requirements.

Over the years the company has carved out an important role in national and international production company,

specializing in molding a wide range of

  • Technical rubber

In order to guarantee the customer the solution for every problem thanks to the know-how and its versatility

MAR-GOM is able to study, PLANNING and create ad hoc technical articles.



MAR-GOM has extensive expertise in implementing MOULDS injection and compression Rubber. With the use of modern technology is able to produce molds of various shapes and complex with a guarantee of high quality and speed of execution.

The experience to study and create molds from small to large systems with various molding such as injection, compression, TRANSFER.


For the realization of the molds, the company has the following TECHNOLOGIES:

  • WIND milling CNC control FANUC 6.
  • Milling Gamben
  • Milling Rambaudi
  • Lathe Alpheus

MATERIALS are chosen according to the specific needs of use and conditions of use.

  • NR
  • EPDM
  • NBR
  • HNBR
  • VITON ®
  • Vamac ®
  • SBR
 The production department of INJECTION MOLDING consists of various tonnage presses to ensure efficiency and security of manufactured products.

The production department of COMPRESSION MOLDING consists of various tonnage presses to ensure efficiency and security of manufactured products.





Software by Tommy Marasco